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Grey Goose Classic Martini Cocktail 750ml

Grey Goose Classic Martini Cocktail 750ml


GREY GOOSE Classic Martini Cocktail is the ultimate expression of the iconic martini cocktail that you can enjoy on any occasion when you want an exquisitely flavorful experience. This premium ready to serve bottle combines GREY GOOSE vodka with French vermouth alcohol for pre made cocktails that truly allow the spirit to shine with no compromise on quality or flavor. At 35% alcohol by volume, the exquisite pre mixed cocktail offers a smooth, refreshing and perfectly well-balanced taste. Just add ice to the mixed drink, shake or stir, and add a garnish of your choice to customize it to your taste. GREY GOOSE Classic Martini Cocktail is gluten free. Enjoy an effortlessly sophisticated drink. Let the quality speak for itself. Sip Responsibly.


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