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Crafted Selections

Gekkeikan Junmai Sake Tokubetsu 750ml

Gekkeikan Junmai Sake Tokubetsu 750ml

Regular price $49.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $49.99 USD
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Gekkeikan is proud to be from Fushimi in the Kyoto area and share the history of the past nearly four centuries of Japanese culture. Many people today know Kyoto as the center of Japanese traditions and culture, with a refined elegance to many of the customs and rituals of traditional Kyoto life. Gekkeikan has taken this spirit and made it manifest in this Premium Gekkeikan Tokubetsu Junmai. Much like its hometown, this is a subtle and refined, yet elegantly complex sake that reveals much upon deeper reflection. Travel through time and space to Kyoto with a sip.

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